IELTS 2019 More Practice Tests
Question Paper


Questions 21-23

Complete the information below. Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.

21. The total course duration is .

22. During the final project students will work in teams of .

23. The professor told that the key thing in marketing strategy is to .

Questions 24-28

Choose FIVE letters, A-I. What FIVE modules does the course include?

  1.  Marketing
  2.  Design of custom logos
  3.  Product management
  4.  Branding
  5.  E-commerce
  6.  Advertising
  7.  Analytics
  8.  Customer attraction
  9.  Business strategies

Questions 29-30

Complete the information below. Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS for each answer.

29. The next lecture is in the big classroom on the .

30. Students need to take their last week .

  • There is no transcript available.

  • Section 3

    1. seven weeks
    2. five people
    3. grab people's attention
    4. A
    5. D
    6. E
    7. F
    8. H
    9. ground floor
    10. assignment

IELTS Listening Sample 5.

Section 3