IELTS 2019 More Practice Tests
Question Paper


You will hear a discussion about shopping habits.

Questions 21-24

Complete the sentences below. Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS
 for each answer.

21. The woman being interviewed is now working in the bank. Her occupation is  .

22. The woman usually spends about  when she goes shopping. 23. The woman often goes to  because she finds them convenient. 24. According to the woman,  is/are her most difficult thing(s) to buy.Questions 25-27

Fill in the blanks with ONE WORD AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer.

50% of the people being interviewed spend
25.  a month.

15% of the people being interviewed spend
26.  a month.

35% of the people being interviewed spend
27.  a month.

Questions 28-30

Mark THREE letter that represent the correct answer.

Most of the people being interviewed think that _________ is/are most difficult to buy.

 A Books

 В Study materials

 С Foods

 D Trousers

 E Shoes

 F Sportswear

  • There is no transcript available.

  • Section 3

    1. Cashier
    2. 50 pounds
    3. Big department stores
    4. Jeans
    5. 45 pounds
    6. 75 pounds
    7. 20 pounds
    8. D
    9. E
    10. F

IELTS Listening Sample 8.

Section 3