Paper was first manufactured in Europe by the Spanish in the 12th century, although it had been (1) since the 10th century. Around the year 1276, a (2) was established at Fabriano in Italy. The town became a major center for paper making and throughout the 14th century (3) most of Europe with fine quality paper, which it has continued to produce ever since. By the 15th century, paper was also being manufactured in Germany and France, and it was not long before both countries became almost completely independent of material bought overseas. With the increasing (4) of paper in Europe, the (5) of identical printed pictures became almost inevitable.
1 imported
2 mill
3 provided
4 availability
5 production
The spinal cord – the link between the brain and the body – is a band of (1) tissue about the thickness of your little finger that runs through the backbone. Nerve cells called motor neurons (2) electric impulses that travel from the brain to the spinal cord, branching off at the appropriate point and passing to the various parts of the body. Similarly, (3) neurons transmit messages from organs and tissues via the spinal cord to the brain. But the spinal cord also (4) without the brain having to intervene; it alone controls those actions called spinal (5) that need to be carried out very fast in response to danger.
1 nervous
2 convey
3 sensory
4 functions
5 reflexes
The growth of the modern (1) brought with it the development of mass political parties and the emergence of professional politicians. A man whose occupation is the (2) for political power may go about it in two ways. First, a person who relies on their political activities to supply their main (3) of income is said to Live off politics, while a person who (4) in full-time political activities, but who doesn’t receive an income from it, is said to live for politics. Now, a political system in which (5) to positions of power is filled by those who live for politics is necessarily drawn from a property-owning elite, who are not usually entrepreneurs. However, this is not to imply that such politicians will necessarily pursue policies which are wholly (6) towards the interests of the class they (7) from.
1 state
2 struggle
3 source
4 engages
5 recruitment
6 biased
7 originate