You will hear a recording. Choose the paragraph that best relates to the recording.
Correct Answer : 2
The speaker says: A cliche, as you know, is an overused and worn out phrase ... there is no greater danger to either education or thinking than the popular phrase ... Now. if you think of graphic design as a language with its own vocabulary, grammm; and so on, it too must have its cliches . ... the visual cliche is essential in the world of graphic
communication. This is certainly true when it comes to advertising and propaganda. The visual cliche can give immediate life to an idea and a clear meaning co what could be a mere abstraction.
You will hear a recording. Choose the paragraph that best relates to the recording.
Correct Answer : 1
The speaker says: All whales, dolphins and porpoises are social animals, although the degree of sociability varies greatly from one species to another . ... we can expect the group size adopted by a species to be the most suitable for
its environment and lifestyle . ... Some of the reasons for living in groups include greater efficiency in searching (or and catching food, benefits for mating, learning, defence, and sensory integration . ... For example. if one animal discovers a shoal of fish or a hungry shark, it can immediately pass on this information to the others in the group so that all may benefit.