A. You will hear a short lecture. Write a summary for a fellow student who was not present at the lecture. You should write 50- 70 words.
You will have 1 0 minutes to finish this task. Your response will be judged on the quality of your writing and on how well your response presents the key points presented in the lecture.
Model Answer
The speaker says modern economic circumstances have changed the nature of loyalty. People no longer work for the same company for life, and companies today must adapt to a large employee turnover as workers take up new opportunities
elsewhere. People will be loyal while they are in a given job, but may move on. However, companies do function better socially and economically when they have a core group of long-term employees.
B. You will hear a short lecture. Write a summary for a fellow student who was not present at the lecture. You should write 50- 70 words.
You will have 1 0 minutes to finish this task. Your response will be judged on the quality of your writing and on how well your response presents the key points presented in the lecture.
Model Answer
The speaker explains why Latin writing was so outstanding, especially as compared to the other arts. The main reason was the nature of the language itself, which is capable of great compression. Another factor was the Roman educational system, which concentrated on language and literature. One drawback was that, as education was only available to the rich, the subject matter of Latin literature is fairly limited.
C. You will hear a short lecture. Write a summary for a fellow student who was not present at the lecture. You should write 50- 70 words.
You will have 1 0 minutes to finish this task. Your response will be judged on the quality of your writing and on how well your response presents the key points presented in the lecture.
Model Answer
The two main types of aid for developing countries are mentioned. One is long-term aid for countries with problems that money alone cannot fix (drought, poor agriculture), and the other is emergency aid, which includes the basic things needed immediately following a natural disaster. For long-term problems, it is more important to teach the skills needed to develop the economy, and to organize and run social services than to give cash aid.