The Second World War brought a period of austerity and tough rationing in Britain, especially for food: before the war Britain had imported about 55 million tons of food, but, only a month after the war began, this had dropped to 12 million. Strangely enough, this period also saw a general improvement in health standards across the country. Rationing began at the beginning of 1940 and lasted until July 1954 when the last restrictions on meat were lifted.
Everyone was issued with an identity card and each household had a ration book. Then they had to register with a local supplier of food whose name was stamped in the ration book so that you could only buy your ration from that supplier, and only the amount you were allowed. The books contained coupons which the shopkeepers cut out every time you made a purchase, and the amount you were allowed depended, to a certain extent, on the color of your ration book. The majority of adults had a buff or brownish book. Then there was the green book for pregnant women, nursing mothers and children under five, and this allowed them first choice of fruit, a daily pint of milk and a double supply of eggs.
Children between the ages of 5 and 16 had a blue book, which allowed them fruit, a full meat ration and half a pint of milk a day.
The idea was to make as sure as possible that everybody got a fair share of the food available, the worry being that as food and other consumer goods became scarcer, prices would rise and the less well-off might not be able to pay. However, some thought it unfair, as people living in rural areas could get hold
of eggs, butter and milk fairly easily without coupons.
According to the text, which of the following statements is true?
1 is incorrect because teenagers up to 16 were allowed half a pint of milk a day, while some other groups
were allowed a pint. 2 is incorrect because people in the country could get eggs without coupons, but they still had to pay for them. 3 is incorrect because the text mentions a general improvement in health standards, not a healthier diet.4 is correct because the writer says: Then there was the green book for pregnant women, ... and this allowed them first choice of fruit, a daily pint of milk and a double supply of eggs.. ..
By the 15th century, the various Zulu chiefdoms had reached the south-eastern part of Southern Africa. They were largely cattle farmers and cultivators who lived in scattered villages across the land. Like other African peoples at this time, they lived within a system of clans and tribes under independent chiefs until, in the latter part of the 18’h century, the system changed, possibly due to land shortage, and a number of larger political groupings were formed. The most powerful among these were the Mthethwa under the leadership of Dingiswayo, who radically changed some aspects of traditional life during his reign.
Formerly, military activity was based on local recruitment; men from a district wou ld fight together under their chief. So, in order to create a large unified fighting force and control the fierce rivalry between supporters of different groups, Dingiswayo reorganized his army along the lines of age rather than old local allegiances. Thus, men of a particular age group, regardless of clan or residence, formed a regiment whose loyalty was to the king alone. Fathers and sons fought in different regiments and men from the same district found themselves in completely different groups, and as a result local rivalry was prevented. This was the basic mi li~ary system that Shaka, the most famous Zulu chief, inherited and buill on.
Which of the following is mentioned as one of the changes made to the Zulus’ traditional life?
1 is incorrect because no change to farming is mentioned. 2 is incorrect because fathers and sons fought in different regiments, but did not fight against each other. 4 is incorrect because in fact local rivalry was
prevented.3 is correct because the writer says: ... Dingiswayo reorganized his army along the lines of age ralher than old
local allegiances.