- AInnovation in India is as much due to entrepreneurialism as it is to IT skills, says Arun Maria, chairman of Boston Consulting Group in India.BIndian businessmen have used IT to create new business models that enable them to provide services in a more cost-effective way. This is not something that necessarily requires expensive technical research.C“This way, I will have access to the best scientists in the world without having to produce them myself,” says Mr Maria.DHe suggests the country’s computer services industry can simply outsource research to foreign universities if the capability is not available locally.
A, B, D, C
- ABut the issues themselves are not new and have historical roots that go much deeper than have been acknowledged.BInevitably, these discussions focus on present-day dilemmas.CIn the early years of the twenty-first century the impact of immigrants on the welfare state has become a staple of discussion among policy makers and politicians.DIt is also a recurrent theme in the press, from the highbrow pages of Prospect to the populism of the Daily Mail.
C, D, B, A
- AIdeally, the experimenter is open to the possibility that the hypothesis is correct or incorrect.BIn that case, there may be a psychological tendency to find “something wrong”, such as systematic effects, with data which do not support the scientist’s expectations, while data which do agree with those expectations may not be checked as carefully.CAnother common mistake is to ignore or rule out data which do not support the hypothesis.DSometimes, however, a scientist may have a strong belief that the hypothesis is true (or false), or feels internal or external pressure to get a specific result.EThe lesson is that all data must be handled in the same way.
C, A, D, B, E
- AThis compound may work in several ways to improve cardiovascular health.BThey theorized that the 1.2 litres of green tea consumed by many Asians each day, provides high levels of polyphones and other antioxidants.CIn May 2006, researchers at Yale University weighed in on green tea’s health benefitswith a review article that examined more than 100 studies on the subjects.DThey pointed to the “Asian paradox”, lower rate of heart diseases and cancer in Asia despite high rate of smoking.ESpecifically, green tea may prevent the oxidation of LDL cholesterol which in turn can reduce the build-up of plaque in arteries, the researchers wrote.
C, D, B, A, E
- AGerman invasion of Poland officially triggered the Second World War.BThey lacked compact defense lines and additionally their supply lines were also poorly protected.CIn the beginning, Britain and France were hopeful that Poland should be able to defend her borders.DBut Polish forces could not defend a long border.EMeanwhile, the world had woken up to the potential of atomic energy and countries were conducting testes to exploit the same.
A, C, D, B, E
A. Fireworks and special effects, including a red “waterfall” from the bridge base, will turn the structure built in 1932 into a giant Aboriginal flag shortly after the sunsets for the last time in 2015.
B. From 8:40pm, the bridge will be turned into a canvas showing the Welcome to Country ceremony.
C. Fireworks and special effects will also turn the bridge into a giant Aboriginal flag before the 9pm fireworks display.
D. “It’s about how we’re all so affected by the harbour and its surrounds, how special it is to all of us and how it moves us,” said the Welcome to Country’s creative director, Rhoda Roberts.
A, D, B, C
- AAfter five years and $6 billion in development, plus months of delay, Microsoft finally launched its Vista operating system on 30 January.BFibres suitable for clothing have been made for the first time from the wheat protein gluten.CThe fibres are as strong and soft as wool and silk, but up to 30 times cheaper. Narenda Reddy and Yiqi Yang, who produced the fibres at the University of Nebraska in Lincoln, say that because they are biodegradable they might be used in biomedical applications such as surgical sutures.DVista includes software for better handling of audio and video files, and for searching and sorting digital images.EIt has home and business versions, as well as a premium version called Vista Ultimate, which allows people to use video rather than still images as wallpaper on their PCs.
B, C, A, D, E
- AFalse memories are constructed by combining actual memories with the content of suggestions received from others.BDuring the process, individuals may forget the source of the information.COf course, because we can implant false childhood memories in some individuals in no way implies that all memories that arise after suggestion are necessarily false.DThis is a classic example of source confusion, in which the content and the source become dissociated.EPut another way, although experimental work on the creation of false memories may raise doubt about the validity of long-buried memories, such as repeated trauma, it in no way disproves them.
A, B, D, C, E
- AIn the United States, Lake Erie was dead. In Europe, the Rhine was on fire. In Japan, people were dying of mercury poisoning.BIn the 1960s and 1970s, corporations were in a state of denial regarding their impact on the environment.CThe environmental revolution has been almost three decades in the making, and it has changed forever how companies do business.DThen a series of highly visible ecological problems created a groundswell of support for strict government regulation.EToday many companies have accepted their responsibility to do no harm to the environment.
C, B, D, A, E
- AElectronic transactions are happening in closed group networks and Internet. Electronic commerce is one of the most important aspects of Internet to emerge.BThe whole structure of traditional money is built on faith and so will electronic money have to be.CCash transactions offer both privacy and anonymity as it does not contain information that can be used to identify the parties nor the transaction history.DMoreover, money is worth what it is because we have come to accept it.ETo support e-commerce, we need effective payment systems and secure communication channels and data integrity.
C, D, B, A, E