- 1Most religious beliefs are based on faith, and the point about them is that although you may be quite convinced of them yourself, you cannot be sure of persuading other people to believe them too because you cannot produce evidence for them.2Formerly if a man thought differently about religious matters from his neighbors, he was very likely to be burnt alive.3This is no longer so. Today we are tolerant of other people’s beliefs and on the whole let them think what they please.4And if he did not believe in God and had no religion at all he was thought exceedingly wicked and was punished.5Now, it is with regard to beliefs of this kind that people are now more tolerant than they used to be.
Answer: (1, 5, 2, 4, 3) The topic of the text is religious faith and mutual differences on account of this. See the progression of time. Statements (2) and (4) about the past. Statement (3) starts with "This is no longer true”. So, 2, 4, 3 connection is easily established. Statement (1) introduces the topic of religion and faith. Statement (5) follows. So, the correct order is 1, 5, 2, 4, 3.
- 1And so, if he thinks they are wrong he may try to persuade them to believe differently, but he will not try to force them.2A tolerant person is one who does not interfere with other people, even if he thinks they are wrong.3The last but not the least important way in which science has changed people and made them more civilized is by making them more tolerant.4He is prepared to let them think what they like and say what they think.
Answer: (3, 2, 4, 1) The only point discussed in the text is the quality of tolerance. That means the statement last but not the least important way' can only be the first sentence, not the last. Other important ways must have been discussed in the earlier text. So, (3) introduces tolerance. Statement 2 introduces a tolerant person'. (1) and (4) refer to this tolerant person. So, they come after (2): 'He is prepared' logically fits before try to persuade ... but ... not force'.
- 1In society, the largest and the most popular, in readership or in audience, does not necessarily mean the best.2Education should therefore be cognitive, not equal.3When we said that the function of education was to develop the best in each person, what did we mean?4In an equalitarian society, a man’s judgment is theoretically as good as another’s.5The equalitarian, in so far as he maintains that one man’s taste is as good as another’s, is wrong.
Answer: (4, 1, 3, 5, 2) There are two sentences about equalitarianism in society and three about that in education. One set states that equalitarianism is good in society; the other says it is not good in education. So, these two sets have to be placed separately. The discussion starts with equalitarianism in society (4). (1) clarifies why one's judgment is good as another's. (3) raises a question about the aim of education. (5) says the equalitarianism approach in education is wrong. (2) concludes with therefore'.