- AIf caught in the act, they were punished, not for the crime, but for allowing themselves to be caught another lash of the whip.BThe bellicose Spartans sacrificed all the finer things in life for military expertise.CThose fortunate enough to survive babyhood were taken away from their mothers at the age of seven to undergo rigorous military training.DThis consisted mainly of beatings and deprivations of all kinds like going around barefoot in winter, and worse starvation so that they would be forced to steal food to survive.EMale children were examined at birth by the city council and those deemed too weak to become soldiers were left to die or exposure.
B, E, C, D, A.
B introduces the paragraph. EC is a mandatory pair, as ‘those’ in C refers to male children. Military training in ‘C’ is further described in ‘D’ & ‘A’.
- ABut categorization schemes are not always helpful in determining what one can do with or about organizational culture.BMuch of the literature on organizational cultures is focused on categorizing the types of cultures.CIt has taken the understanding of corporate culture far beyond what used to be called the informal organization.DThis literature is both interesting and informative.
B, D, A, C.
- AThis is now orthodoxy to which I subscribe— up to a point.BIt emerged from the mathematics of chance and statistics.CTherefore the risk is measurable and manageable.DThe fundamental concept: Prices are not predictable, but the mathematical laws of chance can describe their fluctuations.EThis is how what business schools now call modern finance was born.
E, B, D, C, A