Moving Averages — Gives the general trend of price based on its recent behavior and tells when the trend has been broken.
Relative Strength — Measures the strength left in a price trend by comparing number of up and down days over a recent timeframe.
Percentage R — This compares a day’s closing price to a recent range of prices to determine if a market is overbought or oversold.
Oscillators — Measure the momentum of a price trend based on recent price behavior.
Stochastic — Combines indicators like moving average and relative strength to measure overbought and oversold tendencies.
Point-and-Figure/ kagi — Plots trends and reversals in price movement and then gives buy/ sell signals based on recognizable patterns.
Basic Charting — Techniques for recognizing common price movement pat terns and gauging market movements.
Swing Charting — Provides rigid entry and exit signals based on recent price history.